Yellow teeth from smoking

Yellow teeth from smoking

Girl smoking and smiling

It may not be news that smoking makes the teeth more yellow. You may however wonder how much of a difference it actually makes. Brilliant Smile lets you know what to consider if you are a smoker and wish to keep your teeth white and healthy.

Cigarette smoking severely discolors the teeth, partly since the nicotine and tobacco give the teeth a more yellow shade. But also, the cigarette smoke creates a sticky surface, acting almost like glue, where other stains and pigments attach more easily than normal. In other words, smoking stains the teeth and make the shade darker in two ways.

Over time, the teeth will get significantly darker, worse than they would have if you didn’t smoke. It’s possible to slow down this process by using good oral care products, without harmful abrasives, that dissolve surface stains. In the long run, if you are a smoker you will probably need a proper teeth whitening treatment with hydrogen peroxide, in order to get your pearly white smile back.

Smoking does not only affect the color of the teeth, but also the general oral health. As a smoker, you run higher risk of experiencing the following:

- Bad breath
- Tooth cavities
- Tooth sensitivity
- Gingivitis and receding gums
- Periodontitis
Our best advice for white and healthy teeth would obviously be to quit smoking. But if you haven’t gotten around to that yet, here are some tips on oral care products that work well for smokers:

Whitening Oral Care
Mouthwash, intensive care toothpaste and caring toothpaste that dissolve surface stains and prevents new stains from attaching as easily onto the tooth surface.
HiWhite Charcoal
Toothpaste with activated charcoal and active ingredients that gently clean the teeth and dissolve surface stains. Available in three delicious flavors!
Columbia Pike Family Dentistry
I have read your article Highly informative this article. This article has lots of information and it is useful for us. Thanks for sharing information related to the yellow teeth from smoking.
2020-09-23 @ 10:54:40
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